(Dubuque, IA) This week, Rod Blum, Republican nominee for Congress in Iowa’s First District released a new TV ad highlighting his commitment to protecting and preserving Social Security and Medicare. The ad features Senator Chuck Grassley telling the story of Rod’s mother Celeste, who relied on Social Security and Medicare for decades before passing away earlier this year.

“Protecting and preserving Social Security and Medicare programs for our elderly is critical,” said Blum. “For me, it’s not just good policy, it’s personal.”

Full transcript of the ad follows below:

Senator Grassley: Celeste Blum cleaned houses and scrubbed floors to provide for her family. Later in life her son Rod Blum cared for her as she died from cancer. It was a tough fight but it was a good life and that tough fight was made possible because Celeste had Social Security and Medicare. Rod Blum will protect Social Security and Medicare because for him it’s not just good policy it’s personal.

Rod Blum: I’m Rod Blum and I approve this message.

Rod Blum is the Republican nominee for United States Congress in Iowa’s 1st District. A former Iowa Entrepreneur of the Year, Rod graduated with a finance degree from Loras College and received his MBA from the University of Dubuque. A lifelong resident of Dubuque and current owner of Digital Canal Corporation, Rod is married to Karen Blum with five children. For more information please visit: www.RodBlum.com.

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