Recently Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, announced he is gay. This sort of thing is nothing new nowadays, of course, and I probably would have yawned and said nothing about it. But Cook didnā€™t stop there. He said something extraordinary. Something breathtaking: He said ā€œI consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.ā€ So being homosexual is a gift from God? Even in the debauched state Western Civilization finds itself in, I confess I didnā€™t expect to hear something like this. A sin so clearly taught in Scripture as sin, so clearly taught in Scripture as offensive to God, and something that has historically been so self-destructive to those participating in it, is now a gift from God. All I can say is Isaiah 5:20, folks. Look it up.

This is Brian Myers of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

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