federalism-poster-smallerPractical Federalism: How the Federal Government Is Silencing the People will be held on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at Southern New Hampshire University in Hooksett, NH.  A live stream of the forum will be from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm CST. This forum is sponsored by American Principles Project, Breitbart News, and Cornerstone Action.

The objective of this forum is to shine a light on how the federal government overreach works, the Framers’ view that state elected officials must guard against federal intrusion, and how the federal government undermines that duty. The aim to make this a central issue in the public square through this event.

During this forum, we will raise the consciousness of the state’s legislators, activists, and Republican base, so that they demand that the potential 2016 presidential contenders address what they have done to resist federal encroachment and  what they pledge to do.

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Read speaker bios here.

Schedule (in CST for the benefit of most of our readers)

Master of Ceremonies:  Jeff Chidester, Host of New Hampshire Perspective with Jeff Chidester (Clear Channel, News Radio WQSO (96.7 FM) and New Hampshire’s News Network WGIR (610 AM); columnist Portsmouth Herald

9:00 am                     Registration Opens

10:00– 10:15               Emmett McGroarty, American Principles Project, welcome

10:15– 11:00               State Sen. William Ligon, Esq., (GA), An Overview of Federalism

11:00– 11:30               State Rep. Ken Ivory (UT): Federal Land Policies

11:30 – 12:30                Lunch:  Legislative Panel: State Rep. Dan Itse; State Rep. JR Hoell; State Rep. Jeanine Notter

12:30 – 1:00                  Steve Klein, policy analyst for Wyoming Liberty Council: EPA policy

1:00 – 1:30                  State Rep. Jason Nelson (OK): Environmental Policy, Common Core, and Affordable Care Act

1:30– 2:30                   Grassroots Panel:  Erin Tuttle (IN); Ann Marie Banfield, Cornerstone; Jamie Gass, Pioneer Institute; Jim Kofalt, Sohegan Tea Party

2:30 – 2:45                  Coffee Break

2:45 – 3:30                  Greg Moore, AFP-NH and State Rep. Dr. Joseph Hannon:  Affordable Care Act

3:30– 4:00                   John Davidson, Texas Policy Center:  Medicaid Expansion.

4:00 – 4:15                  Ed Naile, Coalition of NH Taxpayers

4:15 – 4:30                  Bryan McCormack, Cornerstone Policy Research Action; Emmett McGroarty, American Principles Project

4:30 – 5:30                  Reception

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