Election is something that is hard to understand, and even harder to reconcile with our cultural idea of “fairness.”
I recently read something from B.B. Warfield that puts the notion of God’s election into proper perspective. He says if you ask why God doesn’t extend His grace to all then you are not asking the right question.
Warfield wrote, “The marvel of marvels is not that God, in his infinite love, has not elected all of this guilty race to be saved, but that he has elected any. What really needs accounting for — though to account for it passes the powers of our extremest flights of imagination — is how the holy God could get the consent of his nature to save a single sinner.”
If God was “fair” we’d all be doomed to hell. Thank God He doesn’t meet our standard of “fair.”
This is Shane Vander Hart with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.
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