Sleeper13 productions released a video a week ago that is aimed at reducing gun violence at school and in the community.  The video written and directed by Rejina Sincic shows a young man going into his mother’s room and stealing a handgun that was hidden in her dresser.  He then puts the handgun into his back pack unsecured and takes it to school.  After class he plunks the handgun down on a startled teacher’s desk and asks, “Can you take this away?  I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”  The video then says “our children deserve a safe world.”

There are some obvious problems with this video, especially one that purports itself to be a “public service announcement.”  Does Sincic really want to encourage kids:

  • To steal from their parents?
  • Handle and carry a handgun they haven’t even checked to see if it is unloaded or loaded?
  • Break the law by taking it on school grounds?

This young man would, at the very least, face expulsion from school due to most school districts’ zero tolerance policies and likely would end up spending some time in his local juvenile detention facility.

Regardless of his motivations.  What also floors me is that this video was made with the help of a school.  The video was shot on the grounds of the North Oakland Community Charter School, a publicly funded charter school, in Oakland, CA.  So they’re ok with kids bring guns on school grounds?  Then again considering this was filmed in the Bay Area perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised.

This video has to be one of the most irresponsible ones I’ve seen on the subject.  Insane!

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