Photo credit: Martin Jacobsen (CC-By-SA 3.0)
Photo credit: Martin Jacobsen (CC-By-SA 3.0)
Photo credit: Martin Jacobsen (CC-By-SA 3.0)nk

Tuesday afternoon Reps. Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduced H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) praised the historic legislation to stop abortion after 20 weeks, or five months, based on the child’s ability to feel pain.

“As the 114th Congress is sworn in today, we are encouraged to see our pro-life allies wasting no time in the fight to protect the lives of the most vulnerable. Sixty percent of Americans support the legislation introduced today by Reps. Trent Franks and Marsha Blackburn to stop abortion on demand after five months. That’s more than halfway through pregnancy. It is time to move the United States off the list of only seven countries to allow abortion on demand beyond this point,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

“We thank Congressmen Franks and Blackburn for their bold leadership. Their efforts to pass this legislation in 2013 – including a compelling debate on the House floor led by the House Pro-life Women’s caucus – spurred continued action at the state level. Thirteen states have passed similar limits on abortion in the last three years. A federal law is long overdue and this Congress now has a clear mandate from the American people.”

In June 2013, the House passed the bill by 228-196. Republican control of the U.S. Senate following the midterm elections paves the way for a vote on the Senate companion bill.

A November 2014 poll from Quinnipiac found that 60 percent of Americans support legislation limiting abortions after 20 weeks, including 56 percent of Independents and 46 percent of Democrats.

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