Senate Republican Leader Dix proposed a bi-partisan solution today in the Senate Rules Committee which would allow Republicans and Democrats to work in the best interests of all Iowans. The measure would grant a constitutional majority in the Iowa Senate to bring bills out of committee and to the Senate floor for debate. The proposed amendment to the Senate Rules failed on a party-line vote.
“Senate Republicans took Senate Majority Leader Gronstal at his word on the opening day of the session when he stressed the importance of putting our citizens ahead of partisan politics and finding common ground to move our state forward,” Senator Dix said. “Senate Democrats proved this assertion was disingenuous.
“Iowans trust us to work across the aisle and to get things done on their behalf in the Iowa Legislature. They expect their legislators to share their work ethic, and not behave like Washington, D.C. insiders. Iowans know words matter, but at the end of the day our actions speak louder than words. The actions of Senate Democrats failed Iowans who are struggling and depending on us to govern with their best interests in mind.
“Senate Republicans agree with Senator Gronstal when he said on the first day that ‘If we put the needs of Iowa’s citizens ahead of narrow, partisan politics, we will find that common ground and this session will make a positive contribution to the state we all love.” Senate Republicans do not agree with the majority party’s go-it-alone strategy in the Iowa Senate. This gridlock allows only the voices of a few to be heard. Senate Republicans pledge to lift up Iowa families and our rural communities who were abandoned today by Senate Democrats.”