Rod-BlumToday Congressman Rod Blum (R-IA), who represents Iowa’s First Congressional District, released the following statement regarding why he voted against Speaker John Boehner’s re-election.  Boehner won reelection to a third term.

I was elected by Iowans to stand up to the status quo in Washington, DC, and I refuse to turn my back on them with my first vote. While I know Speaker Boehner is a good man and I respect the job he has done as Speaker, I must follow the will of the Eastern Iowans who rejected politics as usual in November and are calling for change in DC. With Congressional approval ratings at historic lows, it’s time for our elected officials to listen to the people and rethink business as usual so we can move our country forward together.

[Tweet “.@RodBlum on Boehner: I must follow the will of the Eastern Iowans who rejected politics as usual”]

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