(Wasington, DC) During American Principles Project’s State Lunch in Washington, D.C. yesterday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal delivered a strong critique of the national Common Core standards, arguing that, “Common Core is bad for children and bad for the future of the United States.”

Additionally, Jindal discussed the recent controversy about the new U.S. History framework changes, an issue that APP brought to the forefront. “What happens when the U.S. History our children are taught is not the American exceptionalism that you and I were taught – but rather a history of our grievances?”

Jindal made the case for local control of education. “We know the needs of our kids better than bureaucrats in Baton Rouge or Washington, D.C.,” Jindal said. “Local parents, local teachers, and local citizens should be making these decisions regarding their children’s education and their future.”

Jindal spoke confidently about the movement’s direction, concluding, “In the fight against Common Core, I’m confident we’re going to win. More and more teachers, more and more parents, and more and more citizens are being exposed to the fallacies of Common Core. Our numbers continue to grow, while their numbers continue to diminish.”

You can watch his remarks and a Q&A session here or below:

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