Greenies sweat in their crusade to “save” the Polar Bears
Photo credit: Payton Chung (CC-By-2.0)
Greenies sweat in their crusade to "save" the Polar Bears  Photo credit: Payton Chung (CC-By-2.0)
Greenies sweat in their crusade to “save” the Polar Bears
Photo credit: Payton Chung (CC-By-2.0)

President Obama said at his 2015 State of the Union address that there was “no greater threat to future generations than climate change.”

It is as bewildering a statement as he has ever made, and he’s made some doozies. With ISIS routinely slaughtering people in Iraq and Syria, Boco Haram doing the same in Nigeria, and multiple Islamic terrorist attacks occurring in various Western countries, many of us shaking our heads in disbelief that the President could say such a thing.

It is bad enough that he doesn’t seem to acknowledge the threat of Islamic terrorism, but it’s worse that he’s bought into the idea that anthropogenic global warming presents a greater, even catastrophic threat to the future of mankind.

This is Brian Myers of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

Remember you can listen to Caffeinated Thoughts Radio on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines/Ames Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also we are on iTunes!

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