Forget ethics in football, how about ethics in the White House?

Maybe it’s just me, but I have to say that I couldn’t care less about whether the New England Patriots used underinflated footballs in the AFC Championship Game. It’s not that I don’t enjoy sports in general or football in particular. It’s simply that I think there are far more important things to be concerned with where ethics are concerned.

While many Americans are really bent out of shape at Patriots coach Bill Belichick because he’s allegedly a cheater, I am left wondering where the outrage is towards the Obama Administration for their near constant untruthfulness. There’s lots of lies they’ve told the American people, but the top of my list is Benghazi. You-tube video indeed. If you aren’t outraged by that, you aren’t paying attention.

This is Brian Myers with your Caffeinated Thought of the Day.

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