Jenni White
Jenni White of Restore Oklahoma Public Education discusses Common Core in a video released by Parents Against the Common Core.

Parents Against the Common Core is a new initiative launched by American Principles in Action, a conservative 501(c)4 organization based in Washington, DC, to help engage parents in the fight against the Common Core State Standards.

Emmett McGroarty, Executive Director of APIA Education, said, “The momentum against the Common Core standards continues to build every single day. Over the past year, five more states have pulled out of the Common Core and 13 states have downgraded their participation or withdrawn completely from the national tests. This happened entirely because of the grassroots efforts of the parents who refuse to cede control of their children’s education to government bureaucrats.”

“The Parents Against the Common Core initiative is designed to engage parents and other concerned citizens on the issue and educate them on the specific problems with the Common Core,” McGroarty continued. “We will continue to work with parents, teachers, legislators, and other citizens in the fight against the Common Core. Our children deserve better than these standards and the future of America depends on something better than the Common Core.”

The website,, will serve as a resource for parents and will also help to educate them and engage them in the fight against the national Common Core standards.

The website features quotes and stories from parents and teachers.

“I spent the school year compiling research on the pros and cons of the standards and quickly came to see that Common Core was doing far more harm to our education system than just what I was seeing in my own classroom,” said Christy Hooley, a former teacher and mom in Wyoming.

Lee Hunter a parent in Ohio said, “The teacher tried to help, I could tell she was trying to do her best – but analyzing the situation – it all boiled down to the only difference this year was the content of what was being taught.”

Erin Tuttle, a mom in Indiana who co-founded Hoosiers Against Common Core, in a video on the website shares how she got involved in the Common Core fight and describes how every child will be impacted.

Joy Pullmann, managing editor of The Federalist and a mom from Indiana, discussed why Common Core takes away decisions from moms, and puts child development in the hands of bureaucrats on another video located on the website.

Ohio mom and founder of Ohioans Against Common Core Heidi Huber in a video rejects the argument that parents being involved in their children’s’ education is “too political.”

Jenni White, an Oklahoma mom and co-founder of Restore Oklahoma Public Education discusses why the “one size fits all” attitude of Common Core ignores child needs, and why parents need a more active role in education on another video.

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