Ben Carson at 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Ben Carson at 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

(Washington, DC) Effective today, Tuesday, March 3, 2015, renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and best-selling author, Dr. Ben Carson registered with the Federal Election Commission to form a presidential exploratory committee to determine whether he should run for the office of the President of the United States of America.

Terry Giles, Dr. Carson’s friend of over 21 years and prospective campaign chairman said, “In every aspect of Dr. Carson’s life, he has exemplified true leadership.  Overcoming dire poverty in his youth to become head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Carson is uniquely situated to understand the needs and hopes of all Americans. His undeniable abilities and extraordinary life experiences drive his passion to ensure that, through hard work and perseverance, the American dream remains attainable to all. For the next few months, Dr. Carson looks forward to listening to the American people to gauge support for a presidential candidacy.”

More information about Carson’s exploratory committee, CarsonAmerica Exploratory Committee can be found on their website—launched today—at

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