Ted Cruz The FAMiLY Leadership Summit
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks at The FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Ames, IA.

(Urbandale, IA) The FAMiLY LEADER’s 4th Annual Family Leadership Summit will be held on Saturday, July 18th at Stephens Auditorium in Ames, IA.  The original date was August 15th, but due to several other conservative events scheduled for August, The FAMiLY LEADER has moved their Summit to July 18th.

Bob Vander Plaats, President & CEO of The FAMiLY LEADER said, “For the fourth year in a row, The FAMiLY LEADER is excited to offer its annual Family Leadership Summit for Iowans who are eager to learn more about and hear from conservative leaders. Between the Family Leadership Summit, the Iowa Straw Poll, and the first RNC debate, these important events will inspire, motivate, and educate conservatives on the leading issues facing America.  A midsummer event on July 18th will be a great opportunity for Iowans to hear directly from – and directly engage with – an extraordinary group of conservative leaders.”

The FAMiLY LEADER is pleased to announce a partnership with Frank Luntz and his team at Luntz Global Partners,www.lutzglobal.com. Frank will host individual town-hall forums, along with potential focus groups, to add a unique opportunity for Iowans.

Frank Luntz is one of the most honored communication professionals in America today. “The Nostradamus of pollsters,” said Sir David Frost, and one of the “hottest pollsters” in America according to the Boston Globe. Frank was named one of the four “Top Research Minds” by Business Week and was a winner of the coveted Washington Post “Crystal Ball” award for his accuracy as a pundit. His focus groups have become so influential that as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama commented, “When Frank Luntz invites you to talk to his focus group, you talk to his focus group.”

The FAMiLY LEADER is also pleased to announce that the National Organization for Marriage is their first national partner for the Summit, www.nationformarriage.org. Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage said, “It’s an honor to continue our partnership with The FAMiLY LEADER at the 2015 Family Leadership Summit to advance pro-family, pro-conservative, and pro-freedom conservative values.  Iowans play a critical role in presidential politics and it’s a privilege to work with them at this most important Summit.”

The purpose of The FAMiLY LEADERSHIP SUMMIT is to inspire, motivate, and educate conservatives regarding worldview application and the most pressing issues facing America’s families.  The Summit will provide Iowans the opportunity to engage with national conservative leaders and hear their leadership vision on the issues that matter most to the future of America.

Last year’s Summit held in Ames, Iowa, was an extraordinary success, with more than 1,200 attendees and 100 members of the media. Many of the conservative movement’s most prominent leaders joined the Summit last year, such as Dr. Alveda King, Governor Rick Perry, Senator Tim Scott, Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Bobby Jindal, Governor Mike Huckabee, Tony Perkins, Joel Rosenberg, Ken Cuccinelli, and many others. Press releases will be sent as speakers are confirmed.

For more information about The FAMiLY LEADER or the event, visit www.TheFamilyLeader.com.

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