(Des Moines, IA) An Iowa Prayer Breakfast Educator Seminar will be held Wednesday, April 1 at 7:30-9:00 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at Urbandale High School, 7111 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, IA 50322. Each year the Iowa Prayer Breakfast offers this complimentary event the evening preceding the morning Iowa Prayer Breakfast.

The event is designed to provide valuable information for all those who serve students in public schools, private schools, at home, at church, or those who are university students training to become educators. Although it is an educator-focused event, students are also welcome. There is no cost for the educator event.

The keynote speaker for the educator event will be Os Guinness, well-known author and speaker.  Os was born in China in World War II where both his parents and grandparents were medical missionaries. Os was a witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949 and the beginning of the reign of terror under Mao Tse Tung. He was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. Os has written or edited thirty books on a wide range of themes and has been a frequent speaker and has conducted seminars for leaders around the world. His countless addresses at leading universities worldwide have helped to influence an entire generation of thinkers.

Also on the evening of April 1st, there is a special free dinner specifically for teachers, coaches, and administrative staff from 6:00-7:30 PM at the Urbandale High School Cafeteria/Commons area. An RSVP is required for this event. RSVP to crystalminnie@gmail.com preferably by March 24. Lori Adams, a teacher at Ames Christian School and Area Director for Christian Educators of Iowa, and Dr. Bob Stouffer, a long-time educator in Central Iowa, will be facilitating the conversations designed to encourage Christian educators.

Tickets are still available for the 54th annual Iowa Prayer Breakfast, scheduled for Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 7:00-8:45 a.m.in the ballroom at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center.  The purpose of the Iowa Prayer Breakfast is to bring together Iowa’s governor, state legislators, and community and religious leaders to join with the public to ask God’s direction and blessing upon the state.  Os Guinness will be the Iowa Prayer Breakfast’s featured keynote speaker. The title of Mr. Guinness’ remarks for the Iowa Prayer Breakfast is “America’s ‘True Remedy’ for Global Terrorism – And For A Whole Lot More.”

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