The Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators held their 8th annual Homeschool Iowa Capitol Day yesterday.  The activities started off at the Iowa State Capitol Building with remarks from Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds.  Those attending were encouraged to contact their State Representative and State Senator.

The afternoon session attended by hundreds of homeschoolers from all over the state picked up at the Airport Holiday Inn and Conference Center in Des Moines.  WHO Radio’s Jan Mickelson led a panel discussion on education issues in Iowa with Iowa’s Republican National Committeewoman Tamara Scott, State Representative Greg Heartsill (R-Melcher-Dallas), Rebekah Maxwell, a homeschooling graduate and producer of the Steve Deace Show, and myself.  Bob Vander Plaats, President/CEO of the FAMiLY Leader addressed the group as TFL was the event sponsor for the day.  Brian Bopp, who has been a fixture at this event, provided a monologue playing the part of George Washington.

The main event of the day was a forum with four prospective presidential candidates – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Former Arkansas Governor and 2008 Iowa Caucus Winner Mike Huckabee, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and Former U.S. Senator and 2012 Iowa Caucus Winner Rick Santorum.  Cruz was the only declared candidate participating.  Former Texas Governor Rick Perry and U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) were both in Iowa as well yesterday as well, but were not in attendance.

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Steve Deace was the moderator and members of the audience were given the opportunity to ask questions that had to be directed at all four men.

Cruz, Huckabee, Jindal and Santorum were given the opportunity to give opening remarks and then were asked why they were considering running for President. (Watch here or below)

The second question was related to accrediting Bible colleges, but provided the men an opportunity to discuss religious liberty at greater length. (Watch here or below)

The third question dealt with foreign policy, and in particular, the threat of Russia and China. The panelists took the opportunity to discuss Iran, Islamic terrorism, and Cuba. (Watch here or below)

The fourth audience member, given an opportunity to ask a question, asked the panelists to cite times when they stood on the Christian conservative convictions they espouse. (Watch here or below)

The fifth question (and final one, since the panelists didn’t keep their answers brief) asked how to rein in the Obama administration’s “lawlessness.” The audience member asking expressed frustration about how, in his estimation, Congress has not seriously challenged President Obama on Obamacare or his executive amnesty. (Watch here or below)

Cruz, Huckabee, Jindal and Santorum were then allowed to give closing remarks. (Watch here or below)

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