Iowa Statehouse Dome SquareState Senator Jason Schultz (R-Schleswig) posted on Facebook today about two amendments that were offered for SF 505 which is the Iowa Senate’s version of the Health and Human Services Appropriations bill.  Schultz noted that Senate Democrats rejected drug testing for welfare recipients and state legislators.

Two important amendments were offered today. Senator Sinclair ran an amendment today to require public assistance recipients to take a drug test just as those who pay the taxes for those welfare dollars often have to.

In addition, I ran an amendment to require elected members of the Iowa Legislature to take a drug test, just as many of those who elected them to office often have to. What is good policy for Iowa is good policy for Iowa Legislators!

Unfortunately, both amendments failed as Senate Democrats prefer the current system.

State Senator Amy Sinclair (R-Allerton) saw her amendment fail on a 23 to 26 vote.  Schultz’ amendment was ruled not germane.

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