Ben Carson at 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –
Ben Carson at 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Ben Carson at 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

Dr. Ben Carson gave one of the best statements I’ve seen related to the Charleston Shooting, and President Barack Obama could learn from him.  The first thing is to not politicize this horrible event.  2. Focus on the victims.  3. Strive to bring people together, not divide.

Here is an email Carson sent out on Thursday.  Be sure to contrast it with President Obama’s statement:

Last night evil walked the streets of Charleston. My heart aches for the families of the victims. I pray for the families left behind. I pray for the community scared and hurting. I also pray you and I can conquer hatred.

In my lifetime I have seen such great progress. Though racial based hate is still very much alive as last night so violently reminded us.

But I worry about a new hate that is growing in our great nation. I fear our intolerance of one another is the new battle ground of evil. Today many feel it is ok to hate someone who thinks differently than you do.

The left hates the right. The right hates the left. This attitude is poison. Poison that will sicken all of us.

Just because someone is for Obamacare and another is against doesn’t change the fact we are all brothers and sisters. All Americans.

As a brain surgeon I can assure you that all of our brains look the same, no matter what our skin color or party affiliation.

The America I know and love has fought evil all over the world to protect evil’s victims. At home we must dedicate ourselves to not hating anyone based on their politics.

Our leaders have walked our country down this path and it is up to us to change course.

Please join me in praying for those who lost their lives last night. Please join me in praying for comfort for their families. Please join me in praying for our great nation, that we may heal ourselves before it is too late.

Two things I would change in his statement (my inner pastor is coming out) 1. I’ll pray for the victims’ family and friends, not the dead (I’m sure some of my Catholic friends would disagree… so be it).  2. I would also add we can’t heal ourselves, but we can pray to our Great Physician who can bring about physical, emotional and spiritual healing.  As I said in my last article only Jesus Christ can do this.

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