Rand Paul at 2014 Iowa GOP State Convention
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
Rand Paul at 2014 Iowa GOP State ConventionPhoto credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Rand Paul at 2014 Iowa GOP State Convention
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

The war hawks are after Rand Paul armed with propaganda and lies. First and foremost Rand has been making the case that the failed policies in Libya and Syria are Hillary’s failures. But hawks like Lindsey Graham just won’t allow that for some odd reason. It really doesn’t make sense to me why he or anyone else for that matter wants a big part of the blame for failed Middle Eastern policies.

Rand has been warning against arming the so called “moderate” Syrian rebels from day one. Why? Isolationist right? Oh wait Rand proposed a declaration of war against ISIS. Maybe, just maybe, he actually read the Department of Defense intelligence reports and made an educated decision. In a recently declassified document obtained by right wing group Judicial Watch it outlines the exact case Rand had been arguing would happen and did happen. The document from August of 2012 explains how radical Al Queda elements and their sympathizers are on the borders of both Iraq and Syria. It outlines how the Asaad regime is viewed as hostile toward the radicals who are pushing a sectarian war. It further says: “This creates the ideal atmosphere for AQI to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi, and will provide a renewed momentum under the presumption of unifying the Jihad among Sunni Iraq and Syria”. AQ wasn’t the unifying force, ISIS was which has turned out to be much worse than anticipated.

Enter Bobby Jindal who must be seeking some of that war hawk money in a possible presidential bid or is jumping off the bridge with everyone else attacking Rand at every turn. Now Governor Jindal is entitled to his opinions even if he is wrong; he can go on talk shows and continue to make a fool of himself all day long, but what I found interesting was the press release from the office of the Governor concerning his opinions of Rand Paul. In the press release he is quoted as saying,”This is a perfect example of why Senator Rand Paul is unsuited to be Commander-in-Chief.” So the Governor of Louisiana is using public funds and staff to issue press releases attacking Rand Paul. Not only does this appear to be immoral it appears to be illegal under Louisiana law. Article 11 Section 4 of the Louisiana Constitution clearly states: “No public funds shall be used to urge any elector to vote for or against any candidate or proposition, or be appropriated to a candidate or political organization. This provision shall not prohibit the use of public funds for dissemination of factual information relative to a proposition appearing on an election ballot.”

I hope Governor Jindal does the right thing and turns himself or whomever was responsible for that press release in to law enforcement and accepts the consequences of their actions. Lawless politicians are too frequent of an occurrence in our society. The old adage of “laws are for thee and not me” I would more commonly apply to Hillary Clinton but apparently she is the one people like Jindal and Graham seek to emulate.

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