The world, at least the social media world, took note of former Olympian Bruce Jenner unveiling himself as “Caitlyn” Jenner.

President Obama even jumped in the fray on Twitter.

My intent is not to shame Bruce Jenner.  I can’t imagine how confused and conflicted he must feel.  Jenner is someone who has been fearfully and wonderfully made.  Jenner, like all of us, has been made in God’s image.  God does not make mistakes and God created Jenner as a man.

This didn’t seem to be an issue when Jenner was on the cover of Wheaties as an Olympic champion.  Caitlyn didn’t win those Olympic medals, Bruce did – as a male.  Yes, Bruce Jenner said Caitlyn was there all along in Jenner’s struggle with gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder.

It is considered a disorder… though some want it declassified because reinforces the traditional view of gender.

Since no one expects political correctness here let me submit to you this.  What would happen if we said we found our “true self” as something else?

What if I said, “I believe I am a vampire.”  I mean I really believed it.  I hated the daylight.  I craved to drink blood.  I hated garlic, etc.

I really think that is my “true self.”  I always felt like I was a vampire.

You would be ready to have me committed right?  You would think I required counseling.  There isn’t anyway most reasonable people would encourage that or congratulate me for this “discovery.”

No matter how much I believe I am a vampire that doesn’t make it so.  The same is true with Jenner.  “Caitlyn” is no more a woman than I am a vampire.  It’s not how we were designed and it is not something we are given a choice over no matter what exterior changes we make.

Should we treat Caitlyn Jenner with dignity?  Absolutely, but it doesn’t change what is true.  That our true self is how we are designed and our true identity can only be found in Jesus Christ.

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