bobby-jindal-machine-shed(Urbandale, IA) Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal addressed a packed room for the Westside Conservatives Club held at the Machine Shed Restaurant on Wednesday morning.  Jindal spoke over just over 30 minutes. He discussed Hillary Clinton’s emails.

“Breaking news: Hillary Clinton’s emails are being investigated by the FBI. Our nation’s top secrets could be on that server. Question for service members: If you had been reckless with the nation’s secrets, what would have happened to you?” Jindal asked.

Most of the service members in the room said they would face prison time if they were to do that.  Jindal said that he is tired of the political class believing they are above the law.

Jindal joked that perhaps Clinton should take advice from Martha Steward about prison noting that Clinton is one email away from prison.  “Orange really is the new black,” he said.

Jindal also touted his record reducing the budget in Louisiana by 26% and the state government employee role by 30,000.  He stressed that America needs a “doer” not a “talker” in the White House.  Jindal also repeated his criticism of the Supreme Court’s rulings this summer on Obamacare and marriage saying the court needed to pick up a dictionary and a copy of the Constitution.

He also doubled down on his pledge from last Thursday’s debate that he would launch an investigation of Planned Parenthood should he win the White House.

Watch his remarks here or below:

Jindal was asked about legislation he signed as Governor that addressed mental health records, in particular civil commitments, being added to the database used for background checks used for gun purchases and carry permits.  Watch his answer here and below:

Jindal was also asked what he would replace Obamacare with if it were repealed.  Watch his answer here or below:

 The last question asked dealt with the national debt and what Jindal would do as President to reduce it.  Watch his answer here or below:

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