Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush released a new web video prior to an appearance at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Send North America Conference in Nashville, TN on Tuesday.  The video, entitled “The Power of Christianity,” highlights excerpts of his recent commencement speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA given on May 9, 2015.

The transcript of the video:

There is no more powerful or liberating influence on this earth than the Christian conscience in action.

How strange, in our own time, to hear Christianity spoken of as some sort of backward and oppressive force.

It’s a depressing fact that when some people think of Christianity and of Judeo-Christian values, they think of something static, narrow, and outdated.  We can take this as unfair criticism, as it typically is, or we can take it as further challenge to show in our lives the most dynamic, inclusive, and joyful message that ever came into the world.

So it is not only untrue, but it’s also a little ungrateful, to dismiss the Christian faith as some obstacle to enlightened thought, some ancient, irrelevant creed wearing out its welcome in the modern world.  Whether or not we acknowledge the source, Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament still provide the moral vocabulary we all use in America – and may it always be so.

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