Planned Parenthood Clinic in St. Paul, MNPhoto credit: Fibonacci Blue (CC-By-2.0)
Planned Parenthood Clinic in St. Paul, MN
Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue (CC-By-2.0)

The Madison County Republican Central Committee voted at their meeting on August 3rd to pass a resolution calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

They are the 2nd county party in Iowa to do so.  Greene County Republicans passed a similar resolution at their meeting in July.

The Madison County Republican Party resolution reads, “The Madison County Central Committee resolves to call on both our state and national elected representatives for the immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood, utilizing every method and opportunity at their disposal, in order to prevent any future taxpayer funds from going to the killing of pre-born babies and the sale of their body parts.”

“If you have watched these undercover videos on Planned Parenthood, you will know that the time has come to take a firm stand, and lend our collective spines to our elected representatives at both the state and national level. Our children are being killed & their parts sold for profit. It is time that this is stopped,” Madison County Republican Party Co-Chair Heather Stancil said in an email sent to members. “This is our Wilberforce moment folks. We must not yield.”

Stancil told Caffeinated Thoughts that she hopes other county parties will join Greene and Madison County Republicans by passing their own resolutions.

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