truth-exposedAn Iowa Rally to END Trafficking of Dead Baby Parts and EXPOSE the abortion industry!
By now you have likely heard of the 5 videos that have been released, highlighting Planned Parenthood harvesting and selling unborn baby parts. If needed, the links to the five already-released videos can be found here.

As one response to this horrific uncovering, Iowa Right to Life is partnering with Simon Conway of WHO Radio 1040AM and coordinating a huge rally in protest of these atrocities.

Our #TruthExposed Rally will be held Saturday, August 15 from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Iowa State Capitol  West Steps. Invited speakers include ALL presidential candidates from both parties, as well as Iowa’s Federal Representatives, in both Congress and the Senate.

Confirmed speakers already include:
Governor Branstad
Lt. Governor Reynolds
Senator Rick Santorum
Simon Conway and many others!

We NEED YOU there!!!  Please join us–bring your family, friends, colleagues, church members–everyone you can! If you’ve never considered yourself Pro-Life, but these practices are horrifying to you–we want you there too!! We need everyone to stand in solidarity! These atrocities MUST stop.

To RSVP or for more information, find the event page here.

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