Mike Huckabee speaking at Northwestern College in Orange City, IA. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (Prezography.com)
Mike Huckabee speaking at Northwestern College in Orange City, IA<br>Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
Mike Huckabee speaking at Northwestern College in Orange City, IA<br>Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee had good night at the 2nd GOP Debate at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA. I already mentioned his remarks about Kim Davis in my previous post, but I neglected to mention his statement about judicial nominations.

He was asked if he would have a litmus test when he nominates judges, and I loved his answer – “You better believe I will.”

You better believe I will, because I’m tired of liberals always having a litmus test and conservatives are supposed to pretend we don’t. Well let me tell you what mine would be.

Number one, I’d ask do you think that the unborn child is a human being or is it just a blob of tissue? I’d want to know the answer to that. I’d want to know do you believe in the First Amendment, do you believe that religious liberty is the fundamental liberty around which all the other freedoms of this country are based? And I’d want to know do you really believe in the Second Amendment, do you believe that we have an individual right to bear arms to protect ourselves and our family and to protect our country? And do you believe in the Fifth and the 14th Amendment? Do you believe that a person, before they’re deprived of life and liberty, should in fact have due process and equal protection under the law? Because if you do, you’re going to do more than defund Planned Parenthood.

One final thing. I’d make darn sure that we absolutely believe the 10th Amendment. Every governor on this stage would share this much with you. Every one of us — our biggest fight wasn’t always with the legislature or even with the Democrats. My gosh, half the time, it was with the federal government who apparently never understood — that if it’s not reserved in the Constitution, then the 10th Amendment says it’s left to the states. But somebody forgot to send a memo to Washington.

Well done Governor. We never have to wonder how a Democrat-appointed judge or justice is going to rule on certain issues do we?  I think investing some political capital in judicial selections should a conservative win the White House is crucial, and they are going to have to have a litmus test and the appointees need to have a clear record.

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