Mike Huckabee in Pella - 6/25/15Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Mike Huckabee in Pella – 6/25/15
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

(Little Rock, AR) Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee responded to President Obama’s White House address using Thursday’s Oregon community college shooting, that left 10 people dead and seven injured, as a pretext for new gun control restrictions:

We hardly know any of the details about this horrific tragedy – What kind of gun was used? How did the shooter obtain it?  What is the motive? Does the shooter have a history of mental illness? Was this an act of terror?  With few facts, Obama is quick to admittedly politicize this tragedy to advance his liberal, anti-gun agenda. For this president to make a political pronouncement is at best premature and at worst ignorantly inflammatory.
Obama can shamelessly try and exploit any tragedy he wants, but it’s clear that gun free zones are sitting duck zones.
His passion is grossly misplaced into destroying the Second Amendment. There were 50 shootings in Chicago the past two weekends and this administration failed to utter a word. Gun violence is a problem in this country, but it’s not the fault of the Second Amendment it’s the fault of evil people doing evil things.
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