College professors love Hillary ClintonPhoto credit: Marc Nozell (CC-By-SA 2.0)
College professors love Hillary Clinton
Photo credit: Marc Nozell (CC-By-SA 2.0)

This story in Campus Reform helps to explain why college students are becoming increasingly comfortable giving up their liberty. 99.51% of the college professors who donated to a presidential candidate chose Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

They report:

According to FEC third quarter reports released October 16, 47 professors at the top 50 liberal arts colleges in the country, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, have given to presidential campaigns. Of those 47 professors, Hamilton College History Professor Robert Paquette was the sole donor to a Republican candidate, giving $150 to Carly Fiorina’s campaign.

The remaining 99.51 percent went to Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The 46 other professors collectively donated $20,875 to Hillary Clinton and $8,417 to Bernie Sanders. Professors donating to Clinton have given an average of $1,043.75. Those giving to Sanders donated an average of $323.73.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone, but here is some data that shows ideological diversity is lacking on college campuses.

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