Real estate magnate and Republican presidential candidate spoke for 95 minutes at an event Thursday in Ft. Dodge, Iowa.

He zeroed in on Ben Carson for about 9 minutes which you can watch below.

Some thoughts…

  • I’m done predicting what will do Donald Trump in.  His base loves him and I’m to the point of thinking he can do almost anything short of murder on stage and they’ll eat it up.
  • That said I think his antics – I’m not sure what happened between the debate where he was pretty self-controlled and this event – has capped his support.  Iowans don’t much care for personal attacks, and what Trump had to say was pretty personal.  Criticizing issues, positions and record is fine, but Trump crossed a line.
  • Before Trump calls people stupid perhaps he needs to make sure he knows what pathological means because it’s obvious he doesn’t know.
  • Trump’s discounted Carson’s transformation, “He goes into the bathroom for a couple of hours, and he comes out, and now he’s religious. And the people of Iowa believe him. Give me a break. Give me a break. It doesn’t happen that way. It doesn’t happen that way,” Trump said.  So apparently Donald Trump is an expert now on spiritual transformation?  He apparently doesn’t understand how radically God can change a heart.  Considering he’s never asked God for forgiveness it’s likely he’s never experienced it.
  • When discussing Ben Carson’s growing popularity in Iowa he asked “how stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”   Trump provides a great lesson here on how not to expand his base.

Disclosure: I have endorsed Bobby Jindal for President, but my words are my own and not necessarily the opinion of Governor Jindal, his staff or his campaign.

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