Syrian refugees strike in front of the Budapest Keleti railway station 9/3/15.
Photo Credit: Mstyslav Chernov (CC-By-SA 4.0)
Syrian refugees strike in front of the Budapest Keleti railway station 9/3/15.Photo Credit: Mstyslav Chernov (CC-By-SA 4.0)
Syrian refugees strike in front of the Budapest Keleti railway station 9/3/15.
Photo Credit: Mstyslav Chernov (CC-By-SA 4.0)

I wrote an article that touched on taking in Syrian refugees months ago, warning  about the possible types of people seeking asylum. In the wake of the Paris attacks people are calling for exactly what I said the United States needed to do – stop taking in Syrian refugees.

America has its fingerprints all over so many problems in Syria to be able to take in any considerable numbers.  Doing so runs the serious risk of bringing in people that either already hate us or will self-radicalize like the Tsarnaev brothers.

Not only are the Syrian refugees a real security risk, we also need to come to grips with the fact that we are $18 trillion in debt. We don’t need to be spending money bringing in more people who need to live off of government programs until they get on their feet or back to their home country.

Think about the turmoil in that country that has happened only recently in large part due to American involvement in the area.

The Iraq war caused a Syrian refugee crisis of Iraqis flooding across the border. Some of those refugees were possibly remnants of Sadaam’s Baathist party leadership.  They surely aren’t happy with America taking power from them.

Then our politicians railed against Asaad calling for his removal. Finally Hillary’s war, the clandestine gun running from Libya to Syria arming supposedly moderate rebels that either turned out to be extremists or turned their weapons over to them.

In short we share the brunt of the blame for a refugee crisis that also sent extremists running to Syria in 2003. We bad mouthed and attempted to topple their President, and armed extremists while doing so.

The merits of any of those actions are now moot. We must live with the reality of what has been done and learn from it. America can’t safely take the compassionate position of accepting refugees from Syria. Those claiming that we should be taking in refugees because ISIS wants us to turn them back, remember the people in government partly responsible for this situation also want Syrian refugees here. These are the same people who brought us warrantless wiretapping of Americans, drag netting of your online information, the overall erosion of your civil liberties in the name of safety and failure after failure in Middle Eastern policies.

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