Jesse Hall, University of Missouri, ColumbiaPhoto credit: Adam Proctor (CC-By-3.0)
Jesse Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia
Photo credit: Adam Proctor (CC-By-3.0)

I don’t know all the details of the situation at the University of Missouri, and I’ve never tolerated racism of any kind and never will.

But it’s time for someone to speak truth here – the absurdity of political correctness on college campuses is laughable, but the consequences are not.

President Obama has encouraged a culture of professional victimhood and grievance. Everyone is encouraged to be a victim.

This PC atmosphere is turning students into intellectual toddlers who will be unprepared for life in the real world.

They will be completely incapable of dealing with any adversity and unprepared to handle freedom of thought or expression.

How will these emotional juveniles be able to compete with the rest of the world? Imagine them negotiating with the Russians or the Chinese or the Iranians. Perhaps they will ban certain words? Or demand the establishment of a “safe zone.”

Our colleges and universities should be defenders of free speech and the First Amendment. They should prepare students for the simple fact that in the real world you do not get to dictate what you will and will not deal with. If they don’t do this, they are hurting the students.

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