Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa. (Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa. (Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (

I read with interest a letter from Charles Spies who is the legal counsel for Right to Rise PAC, a leadership political action committee started by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, to Alan Garten who is the general counsel for the Trump Organization. Apparently Garten sent a letter to Right to Rise PAC threatening them with legal action should they produce an advertisement that is critical of Donald Trump.  Three problems with this.

  1. Right to Rise PAC is a leadership PAC, not a Super PAC so they wouldn’t produce ads like that.
  2. This shows that Trump is a bully and will use abuse the legal system to attempt to quash political speech.
  3. The use of corporate resources for Trump’s campaign is a violation of federal election law.

Spies lays a smack down on the Trump Organization, seriously, it was brutal.  Round one goes to Right to Rise PAC.

You can read the letter and a complaint that Spies filed against the Trump Organization with the FEC below:

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