
(Des Moines, IA) Iowa Right to Life and Iowa Knights of Columbus sponsored the 4th annual Midwest March for Life held at the Iowa State Capitol Building. Hundreds attended the March which was abbreviated due to the cold weather with attendees braving 5 degree wind chills.

The purpose of the march is to commemorate the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision made by the Supreme Court in 1973 that paved the way for abortion on demand, as well as, be a voice for the voiceless.

Brief opening remarks were made by Iowa Right to Life executive director Jenifer Bowen. Also Archbishop Michael Jackles from the Catholic Diocese of Dubuque spoke followed by Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds.

The March began at the west steps of the Iowa State Capitol building and ended at the Iowa Judicial Building with Pastor Benjamin Bell leading the group in prayer.  Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, all of the Catholic Bishops in Iowa, and Janet Huckabee, wife of Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, also marched.

After the march a luncheon was attended by over 500 people. Branstad and Melissa Ohden, an abortion survivor, addressed the group.




Pastor Benjamin Bell leads marchers in prayer.
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