Donald Trump at a town hall in Derry, NH 0n 8/19/15. Photo credit: Michael Vadon (CC-By-SA 4.0)
Donald Trump at a town hall in Derry, NH 0n 8/19/15.
Photo credit: Michael Vadon (CC-By-SA 4.0)
Donald Trump at a town hall in Derry, NH 0n 8/19/15. Photo credit: Michael Vadon (CC-By-SA 4.0)
Photo credit: Michael Vadon (CC-By-SA 4.0)

Donald Trump wants to make health care “great again,” but in order to do that you and I would have to foot the bill.

Last week during the CNN/Telemundo Republican debate Ted Cruz pressed Donald Trump on who would pay for his health care plan. Trump keep insisting that everyone is covered, but denied he ever said the government would pay for it.

Cruz posted the following video of their exchange as well as excerpt of a video that Trump gave.

Here’s the transcript:

Cruz: “Donald, true or false, you’ve said the government should pay for everyone’s healthcare?”

Trump: “That’s false.”

Cruz: “You’ve never said that?”

Trump on 60 Minutes, 9/27/2015: “Everybody’s got to be covered… I am going to take care of everybody… The government’s going to pay for it, but we’re gonna save so much money on the other side!”

This my friends is single payer health care – something the Donald says he doesn’t support, but obviously does. I have to wonder how big of a lie will Donald Trump have to be caught in before his supporters will finally wake up to the reality that their candidate can’t be trusted.

HT: The Pulse 2016

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