Going to keep a running update as we go into Caucus night. I’ll be doing this mostly from my phone so please show me much grace with typos etc. There will be an interruption when I’m driving from my caucus site to the Ted Cruz Iowa Caucus watch party. Results are supposed to start coming in starting at 7:30p.

I also encourage you to follow me on Twitter tonight – @shanevanderhart.

The most recent update is at the top. Refresh your browser for updates:

10:34p – Cruz gives his victory speech – tonight shows that our nominee will not be picked by the mainstream media or the party establishment.


9:44p – Mike Huckabee suspends his campaign.

9:34p – A loss in the Iowa Caucuses takes the wind out of the sails of Donald Trump a bit. He does seem invincible, and was not far ahead of Marco Rubio who had a good showing tonight.

9:27p – CNN projects Ted Cruz the winner of the 2016 Iowa Caucus.

9:25p Ted Cruz caucus night party is hoping.


9:16p Cruz leads Trump by 4% 28% to 24% with 97% reporting.

9:11p – The Iowa GOP site is currently overwhelmed, sorry for the lack of updates.

8:59p – Cruz beats Trump in Ankeny 4 & Jasper Township. 

8:53p – Trump and Cruz tie in Adair County.


8:50p – Cruz wins Audubon County.


8:48p – Cruz wins the Kanahwa precinct in Hancock County.

8:45p – Rubio & Cruz came in one and two respectfully in WDM 223 & WDM 224 respectfully. 

8:34p – Heard Democrats had over 900 votes in a Des Moines precinct with just 767 people registered.

8:31p – I was told Cruz won Pleasant Hill 3, North Polk, & Gilbert.

8:28p – Bremer County…


8:23p – Where we are at… Cruz leads Trump.


8:08p – Pleasant Hill 1 had 241 votes and had 50 new registrations tonight. Also some history Santorum won this precinct in 2012 with 58 votes. Tonight he only had 3.

7:55p – 1. Cruz 110 2. Trump – 36 3. Rubio – 32 4. Carson -29 5. Mike Huckabee & Rand Paul -9 7. Fiorina – 7 10. Bush 11. Santorum – 3 12. Christie – 13. Kasich & Gilmore – 0.  Pleasant Hill 1 had 241 votes. We have voted for the last two Iowa Caucus winners.

7:41p – Counting the votes…


7:38p – There was a vote for Bernie Sanders… Oops.

7:30p – A Pennsylvania resident spoke on behalf of Rick Santorum. NO speaker for Donald Trump… Applause.

7:27p – No designated speaker for Marco Rubio, the person who spoke was shocked they didn’t have anyone.

7:24p – No speaker for John Kasich, a new resident is speaking for Rand Paul… Says she hopes her husband will vote for him too.

7:21p – No rep for Jim Gilmore. Huckabee has a guy who knew him in Arkansas.

7:19p – Carly Fiorina has a local speak, she is the caucus secretary.

7:17p – No rep for @ChrisChristie campaign in Pleasant Hill 1. Tyler Dorin is speaking on behalf of Ted Cruz. Bush had a local speak.

7:15p – A note, Iowa had a caucus to convention process. Ultimately the delegates are decided at convention. Straw poll is non-binding. 

7:08p – Candi Carson is speaking on behalf of her husband.


7:05p – Larry Disney picked as permanent chair for Pleasant Hill 1.

7:00p – We are getting a late start.

6:48p – Pleasant Hill 1 & 2 are meeting at Berean Assembly of God. The parking lot is packed.  A good group for Pleasant Hill 1. 


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