Iowa Statehouse Dome Square

You may recall last year several pro-abortion State Representatives put forward a Doctor Prescribed Suicide bill.  It went nowhere. Now it has re-appeared verbatim in the Iowa Senate.  

While we learned late yesterday that the bill will not go anywhere this session, it’s imperative we let you know what these Senators are trying to do to our most vulnerable.

With the introduction of this bill in the Senate, we want you to be prepared with a reply when the assisted suicide advocates speak their slogans. 

Each of the talking points below have expanded facts based on history and statistics that I regularly present around our State.

Key points to make when confronted with statements from the pro-death lobby of organizations like Compassion and Choices, (formerly the Hemlock Society), and lead proponent behind legislation like this: 

  • The safeguards against abuses in the Oregon law (the model state law) don’t work because it is a flawed law. 
  • American Medical Association (AMA) and World Medical Association (WMA) oppose assisted suicide.
  • “It’s my choice”:  Anyone can choose to commit suicide and we especially object involving the medical profession to prescribe the lethal dose conflicting with the physician’s role as a healer, not killer.  Thus the terms, physician assisted suicide or doctor prescribed suicide.
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