Photo credit: Michael Vadon (CC-By-SA 4.0)
Donald Trump loves to accuse Ted Cruz of lying. Anytime Cruz says anything about his record that is negative, no matter how factual, “he’s a liar.” This was a result of a Cruz staffer, not Cruz himself, sending out an email that Ben Carson was not going on to New Hampshire or South Carolina after the Iowa Caucus, but was going home to rest (I’m paraphrasing) you can read about it here.
How many times has Donald Trump himself lied?
Well yesterday afternoon at a rally in Sparks, NV Trump said Cruz left Nevada before the caucuses took place.
Marco Rubio and John Kasich were not in Nevada when the caucuses were held. However, as Conservative Review points out, numerous media outlets had reports of Cruz speaking at different caucus sites.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg so Trump has zero business calling anyone a liar.
Let’s recap some of the lies that he has told recently:
- His wealth, he keeps changing the figure, and he doesn’t allow a third-party audit. Deutsche Bank in 2005 estimated it is $788 million. How much is it? We don’t really know and I don’t think we’ll get an accurate figure from Trump.
- He’s lied about his four bankruptcies.
- His medical deferment for the draft is in question because somehow he developed bone spurs that he couldn’t remember which foot he had them in and they have somehow magically not given him any problems since. Odd.
- We could get into his numerous infidelities, unless he’s lying about those.
- He lied about his opposition to Iraq.
- He lied about his opposition to going into Afghanistan (or is lying now).
- He lied about his support of single-payer healthcare.
- He lied about his position on Western lands.
- He lied about John Pershing (and frankly drug his good name through the mud doing so).
- He lied about Jeb Bush saying he would take his pants off and moon everybody.
- He lied about his attempt to get Megyn Kelly removed as a debate moderator.
- He lied about the trade deficit with Mexico.
- He lied about Ted Cruz having a double passport.
- He had a TV ad that depicted Mexicans swarming into Texas. It was actually footage from Morocco.
And much, much more. If anyone has an issue with the truth in this race it’s Donald Trump.