Rubio at Iowa Faith & Freedom 2015 Spring event.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –
Rubio at Iowa Faith & Freedom 2015 Spring event.Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Rubio at Iowa Faith & Freedom 2015 Spring event.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

I scheduled a tweet on Monday evening for Tuesday morning via a 3rd party program I use called Hootsuite. It’s something I do often when I read an article I want to share late at night, but didn’t see the point of tweeting it in the middle of the night when no one will read it.

So I put this out.

Apparently some in the Rubio camp are Twitter police and took issue with my tweet.

The article that I read and shared had a rebuttal from Rubio’s team. My tweet reflected the headline at CNN. So according to some not only the article was wrong, but apparently I’m a liar because I shared it. People need to chillax.

Some points…

  1. I’m not going to vet every article I tweet. I don’t typically share articles from fringe websites I never hear about. The report seemed credible, because hello Rubio had a miserable Super Tuesday and Super Saturday.
  2. I never insinuated that Rubio was getting out. I didn’t embellish the article. I passed on news, which I believe is still up on their website.
  3. This is a story I wouldn’t write because I don’t like using unnamed sources, but I thought it was plausible. I didn’t think Rubio would drop before the Florida Primary though. I understand why some may believe it would be better for him to drop than suffer a loss in Florida and possibly hurt him long-term.
  4. I have a hard time believing CNN would make this up, but we don’t know who these advisers or sources are. They could be people who don’t have Rubio’s ear. So while they believe he should drop there really hasn’t been a debate. We won’t really know and really it doesn’t matter.
  5. Blame CNN, not the guy tweeting, I just tweeted a paraphrase of the headline.

This is much to do about nothing and people need to relax.

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