Planned Parenthood Clinic in St. Paul, MN
Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue (CC-By-2.0)
Planned Parenthood Clinic in St. Paul, MNPhoto credit: Fibonacci Blue (CC-By-2.0)
Planned Parenthood Clinic in St. Paul, MN (this clinic does not necessarily participate in this practice)
Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue (CC-By-2.0)

(Washington, DC) New documents released this evening by the U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives validate videos from David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress showing that abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood have participated in an elaborate human fetal tissue procurement network designed to harvest, package and profit from the sale of parts from aborted children.

“The abortion industry sells baby hearts, livers, brains, hands and other organs procured by a middleman company inside their facilities at no cost or effort to the facilities themselves. The facility receives upfront fees that can amount to five-figure sums every month and then the procurement companies resell organs for tens of thousands more – depending on the child’s characteristics. Was the developing baby 18 weeks old? 24 weeks? Was the mother a smoker? What is the child’s ethnicity? All of these factors might make the heart, foot, eyeball or limbs more expensive,” explained Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List.

“The documents which will be made public at Wednesday morning’s hearing confirm David Daleiden’s findings from undercover videos exposing baby organ harvesting and sale. Procurement companies like StemExpress market themselves to abortion clinics by explicitly offering them chances to make money. The documents make clear there is absolutely no cost to the abortion clinic so that all monies received go to their bottom line.

“Procurement technicians are trained,” Dannenfelser noted, “to work with clinic staff to target women coming in for abortions based on gestational age. They are told to quickly obtain consent from women at one of the most vulnerable points in their lives, relying on IRB consent forms that are misleading – at best – concerning the likelihood of ‘cures’ resulting from research using fresh baby organs. The procurement techs are promised bonuses for particular baby parts, with stomachs, bladders and lungs resulting in a higher per item bonus than ears, kidneys, or tongues. This barbarism degrades our nation and violates federal laws against such profiteering. We commend the Select Panel for its investigative work thus far and call on the Department of Justice to take immediate action.”

The Select Panel’s second hearing investigating the abortion and fetal tissue procurement industries is today, Wednesday, April 20 at 10 A.M.

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