Jenifer Bowen of Iowa Right to Life joins us in studio.
Jenifer Bowen of Iowa Right to Life talks to Shane Vander Hart in studio.

This week on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio, Shane Vander Hart and Ron Carson attempt to do the show sans Brian Myers. Somehow they muddled their way through. Shane and Ron discuss what Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are saying on the campaign trail in the last week. Is Shane sold on Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee list?

Jenifer Bowen, executive director of Iowa Right to Life, joined the guys in studio to discuss Planned Parenthood clinic closings. Also she informed our listeners of what Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is trying to do in Western Iowa with federal taxpayer money!

Shane and Ron discuss a recent Charlotte Observer editorial which is simply insane, a crazy vote in the House that almost nullified a religious exemption in the National Defense Authorization Act, and some interesting national general election polls.

Plus this week’s “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” segment features a local story, a first on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.

Remember you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also our podcast of the radio show can be found on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. You can also subscribe to the podcast on your Android-based phone.

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