Iowa Statehouse Dome Square

Iowa Senate Republicans are committed to reclaiming the majority in 2016, said Senate Republican Leader Bill Dix, R-Shell Rock, Monday.

“Senate Republicans are working hard to win the majority this November,” Senator Dix said. “We have an excellent group of challengers and a campaign team committed to making our vision a reality.”

Matt Leopold will direct this year’s effort to win the majority for the Iowa Senate Republicans, Senator Dix said. Leopold, a Mount Vernon native, is a Hendrix College graduate, and has extensive experience on Republican campaigns in Iowa. Previously, Leopold headed the legislative candidate recruitment effort for the Republican Party of Iowa, worked in Governor Terry Branstad’s office and on the Governor’s 2014 re-election efforts. Leopold also staffed the SMF’s efforts in 2012 and worked on Mariannette Miller-Meek’s 2010 congressional campaign.

“Matt has been a valuable asset to the Senate Majority Fund efforts,” Senator Dix said. “He played a significant role in recruiting our candidates and now he is directing our efforts to win the majority in 2016. We are excited about the strong team we have assembled.”

Joining Leopold on the SMF team are field directors Alexander Etgeton, Stacey Post, Dylan Keller and Emily Schwickerath. Chris Dorsey is the SMF finance director.

Etgeton, a Drake graduate, is an experienced field director having previously worked for Lindsey Graham for President, Matt Whitaker’s U.S. Senate campaign and the Polk County GOP. Stacey Post is a Dowling Catholic graduate and a Simpson College student. She has worked in Governor Branstad’s office as a constituent services and state and federal relations intern. Post is currently the chair of the Simpson College Republicans.

Keller received his bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa. He has an extensive volunteer background, and was previously Vice President of the UNI College Republicans. Schwickerath is a Simpson College student, who has volunteered her time to assist the Republican Leadership Initiative and Simpson College Republicans.

Chris Dorsey will lead SMF’s fundraising efforts and has a media, public relations and sales background. He also has directed fundraising efforts in the private sector. Dorsey previously served as the Communications Director for the Senate Republican Caucus and has extensive experience on republican legislative races in Iowa.

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