Austin Petersen (R) and Gary Johnson
Austin Petersen (R) and Gary Johnson
Austin Petersen (R) and Gary Johnson

Libertarian presidential candidates see an opportunity with the #NeverTrump movement now that U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) suspended his campaign after his loss in the Indiana Primary making Trump the presumptive Republican nominee.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson reached out to Republicans who are part of the #NeverTrump movement. Johnson is a favorite to win the Libertarian Party nomination and was a two-term Republican governor of New Mexico. Johnson released a statement about U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) departing from the race..

With the withdrawal of Senator Cruz from the Republican race, the table for November’s election is set. Sen. Cruz fought hard, and for that he deserves credit, regardless of whether one agreed with him on the issues or not. His departure from the race, along with the likely nomination of Hillary Clinton by the Democrats, makes it clear that neither of the two ‘major parties’ will offer voters in November a small government candidate. What they are offering voters are two of the most polarizing candidates in recent history.

Polarizing as they may be, when the rhetoric is pushed aside, will either of those candidates shrink the government? Will either of them stop the military interventions that are not making us safer? Will either of them stop the government from spying on us citizens? And will either truly bring government spending under control, stop the deficits that are bankrupting us, and get the government off our backs so that Americans can find the jobs they want and put us back on a path to opportunity?

In November, there will be three candidates on the ballot in all 50 states: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the Libertarian Party nominee. I hope to be that nominee. With millions of Americans now feeling politically ‘homeless’, a two-term Governor who balanced budgets, cut taxes, cut regulations and truly reduced the size of government may offer the home they are seeking.

Johnson released a video Monday that targeted #NeverTrump Republicans.

Another Liberterian presidential candidate, Austin Petersen, founder of the Libertarian Republic and CEO of Stonegait live streamed his pitch to Cruz supporters when the news broke.

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