Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge speaking during the 2015 Ag Summit. Photo credit: John Pemble
Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge speaking during the 2015 Ag Summit.
Photo credit: John Pemble, Source: IPRImages (CC-By-ND 2.0)
Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge speaking during the 2015 Ag Summit. Photo credit: John Pemble
Former Lt. Governor Patty Judge speaking during the 2015 Ag Summit.
Photo credit: John Pemble, Source: IPRImages (CC-By-ND 2.0)

(Des Moines, IA) U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley’s reelection campaign released a new ad entitled “She’s Back!” today on a website devoted to reminding Iowans of Patty Judge’s real record.

The digital ad details some of the highlights of Judge’s tenure as Lt. Governor of Iowa. 

“A Patty Judge sequel would feature the horrific scandals, tears from lost jobs, and heartache from out-of-control deficits that most Iowans do not want to relive,” Robert Haus, Grassley’s campaign manager, said.

“Rather than traveling the state to meet with Iowans, Patty Judge is transforming herself to appeal to the liberal special interests and to kowtow to the Washington, DC directives of Harry Reid.”

“The best way to predict the future is to look at a candidate’s past, and Iowans thought they were done with Patty Judge in 2010 after voting her out of office.” Haus added.

“This ad touches the tip of the iceberg with her record. Her campaign acknowledges the reason she isn’t doing public events is to avoid scrutiny. Patty Judge needs to be transparent with Iowans about her real record, and this site will start that process.”  

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