A full studio at 99.3 fm The Truth! Photo credit: Ron Carlson
From left: Brian Myers, Brian’s granddaughter Geneva Ives, Shane Vander Hart, and Bart Munson.
A full studio at 99.3 fm The Truth! Photo credit: Ron CarlsonFrom left: Brian Myers, Brian's granddaughter Geneva Ives, Shane Vander Hart, and Bart Munson.
A full studio at 99.3 fm The Truth! Photo credit: Ron Carlson
From left: Brian Myers, Brian’s granddaughter Geneva Ives, Shane Vander Hart, and Bart Munson.

This week on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio: Brian Myers and Shane Vander Hart were joined by occasional studio guest Bart Munson who has been an contributor at Caffeinated Thoughts. Brian, Shane and Bart discuss the Republican National Convention in Cleveland that wrapped up this week.

They look at the fight over the RNC rules that wasn’t just over freeing the delegates to vote their conscience, but much bigger than that. They also discuss the controversy surrounding U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s decision not to endorse. The guys also share their thoughts about Donald Trump’s acceptance speech.

Remember you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area.  You can also listen online live here.  Also our podcast of the radio show can be found on iTunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. You can also subscribe to the podcast on your Android-based phone.

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