Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus likes the idea of exercising one’s conscience when it comes to his conscience as it relates to the Louisiana U.S. Senate race and even the Democratic National Convention delegates.

On CNN he actually wondered if the DNC had a mechanism that allowed delegates to vote their conscience based on revelations that the Democratic National Committee worked to help Hillary Clinton win the party’s nomination over Bernie Sanders.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned and will leave her post after the convention, she also will not speak at the convention itself. The same day this was announced she was named an honorary chair for Hillary Clinton’s campaign (probably not the best move for reaching out to Bernie Sanders supporters). This morning Wasserman Schultz was booed off the stage at a Florida delegate breakfast.

“Hillary Clinton is their nominee based on false pretenses. So I’m not sure if they have any mechanism to vote their conscience on the floor and rectify the problem or not, but clearly these people were lied to in the most personal way. So yeah they’re mad and they should be,” Priebus said.

Oh the irony. Granted the RNC didn’t work in concert with Donald Trump against the grassroots while the nomination was still being contested in the primary process. They just waited until the rules committee met, and then at the convention itself to do that.

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