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Donald Trump Flops on Question About Top Three Roles for Feds

Shane Vander Hart: Donald Trump showed a lack of constitutional knowledge when asked what he thought the three top roles for the federal government should be in Wisconsin.

Joe Biden Sweeps Arizona, Florida, and Illinois Primaries

Former Vice President Joe Biden routed U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the Arizona, Florida, and Illinois Democratic presidential primaries.

Young Leads Mowrer by 15 Points in New Iowa 3rd Congressional District Poll

A new poll of likely voters in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District shows Congressman David Young (R-Iowa) leading Jim Mower 52% to 37% with 11% undecided.

Matt Windschitl Endorses Bobby Jindal

Speaker Pro Tempore of the Iowa House, State Representative Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley), today gave his support to Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA).