The video below was recorded in 2013, but it is timeless and powerful word from writer and artist Jackie Hill-Perry. She has a compelling story as seen from her website’s bio.

She was saved by Jesus “out of a homosexual lifestyle and the like” and has been “compelled to share the light of Gospel truth through poems.”

Watch below as she shines a spotlight on a national epidemic, fatherlessness, through spoken word. The video has a stat at the end. One in three children in America live without their father. According to GRIP Outreach for Youth in Chicago where Jackie works as a female mentoring coordinator fatherless children are:

  • 2x as likely to drop out of high school
  • 2x as likely to end up in jail
  • 2x as likely to abuse alcohol or illegal drugs
  • 4x as likely to have emotional or behavioral problems

GRIP’s mission is to “break the fatherless cycle through Christ-centered, Life-on-Life relationships.”

Watch below.

HT: Justin Taylor

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