Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (CC-By-SA 2.0)
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (CC-By-SA 2.0)

(Des Moines, IA) Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) during his soapbox speech at the Iowa State Fair said Clinton is someone he could work with behind the scenes.

That is not to say he would want to. Most of his speech he touted Donald Trump and his running mate Indiana Governor Mike Pence. In the event they should lose he said she has had the capacity to be reasonable.

“If it is Hillary Clinton we don’t agree on very much, and so you’ll probably see me become a vocal member of Congress if you should elect me to go back to Washington after November. And so I’ll try to break out of my shell if I have to do battle with an agenda that Iowans reject. I presume that is the case, but I also know I’ve sat across the table with Hillary Clinton eye-to-eye, and when you’re working outside of staff and outside of the press she is somebody I can work with,” King said at the Soapbox sponsored by The Des Moines Register.

King explained his remarks to Kathie Obradovich of The Des Moines Register:

“I said I could work with her eye to eye and face to face, and across the table when there was no staff or no press. And I can reason with Hillary Clinton under those circumstances,” King explained.

He wasn’t able to state any issues he would be willing to work with Clinton on. “A lot of water has gone over the dam since then so I would have to see and feel that out.”

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