State Rep. Guy Vander LindenPhoto credit: Charlie Neibergall/AP
State Rep. Guy Vander Linden
Photo credit: Charlie Neibergall/AP

(Des Moines, IA) On Thursday Iowa House Speaker Linda Upmeyer (R-Clear Lake) named State Representative Guy Vander Linden (R-Oskaloosa) as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Vander Linden will replace State Representative Tom Sands (R-Wapello), who announced in June that he would not seek re-election this fall.

“Over the last six years, House Republicans have championed efforts to leave more money in the pockets of the hardworking taxpayers of Iowa,” said Vander Linden. “In this new role, I will continue to put the taxpayers first by recognizing that tax dollars don’t belong to the government, but to the state’s families and businesses. I look forward to finding more ways to reduce the tax burden on Iowa’s taxpayers.

Rep. Sands leaves behind some big shoes to fill as Chairman. I thank him for his years of leadership and his steadfast defense of Iowa’s taxpayers. I appreciate the confidence that Speaker Upmeyer has put in my ability to lead the important work in this committee.”

Speaker Upmeyer thanked Sands for his service and says Vander Linden will continue House Republican’s efforts to give taxpayers a seat at the table:

“Thanks to the incredible leadership of Rep. Sands, we were able to enact an overhaul of the state’s property tax system which resulted in the largest tax cut in Iowa history. The House Republican caucus will sorely miss his tenacious drive and defense of Iowa’s taxpayers.

Rep. Vander Linden has always been a reliable protector of Iowa’s taxpayers and has consistently worked to reduce taxes for families and businesses. He is a tremendous asset to the House Republican caucus and has demonstrated his effectiveness to lead as Chair of the State Government Committee.”

Vander Linden, first elected in 2010, spent 30 years in the United State Marine Corps, attaining the rank of Brigadier General. After retiring from the Marine Corps, he worked as a private sector consultant to military aircraft manufacturers. Prior to his selection as Ways and Means Chairman, Vander Linden most recently served as Chairman of the House State Government Committee since 2013.

A new House State Government Committee Chair will be selected at a later date.

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