Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Iowa Democrat's Jefferson Jackson Dinner on 10/24/15. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Iowa Democrat’s Jefferson Jackson Dinner on 10/24/15.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (

Hillary Clinton believes that 100 years of Planned Parenthood is something to celebrate. She tweeted on Sunday that marked the abortion giant’s 100th anniversary.

Her campaign’s Twitter account tweeted:

This isn’t about women’s rights. This isn’t about health care. This is about being able to legally slaughter millions of innocent babies in the womb and at taxpayer expense.

When Hillary Clinton says Planned Parenthood is worth celebrating she should be honest about what Planned Parenthood is really about.

  • She believes 58 million lives snuffed out since the Roe v. Wade decision is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes the selling of baby body parts is â€œworth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes the outrageous salaries paid to Planned Parenthood executives is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes the fact Planned Parenthood has covered up rape, incest and sexual abuse in the name of privacy is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes the fact that in some states Planned Parenthood is less regulated than veterinary clinics, roofers and nail salons is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes Planned Parenthood railroading women into getting an abortion with no ultrasound or even some time to considering their decision is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes that women who have died, become sterile or struggle with depression as a result of receiving an abortion is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes the fleecing of taxpayers by Planned Parenthood is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes the filth and debauchery Planned Parenthood introduces to children and youth is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”
  • She believes that an organization started by a racist, that pursued eugenics, and still targets poor women of color is “worth celebrating – and protecting.”

Women’s health care? Women’s rights? There are far more federally qualified health centers that actually provide the women’s health care that Planned Parenthood gives lip service than there are Planned Parenthood clinics.

So lets dispense with the women’s health care nonsense. What she is celebrating is abortion.

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