Hillary Clinton speaks at rally in Phoenix, AZ on March 21, 2016. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (CC-By-SA 2.0)
Hillary Clinton speaks at rally in Phoenix, AZ on March 21, 2016.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (CC-By-SA 2.0)

The Wikileaks release of Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s emails will likely be a gift that keeps on giving as I get a chance to troll through them. Getting some attention today are remarks that Hillary Clinton made on August 7, 2013 meeting of the Global Business Traveler’s Association. On the document of “speech flags” sent out by campaign research director Tony Carrk it highlights this speech on page 66.

Hillary Clinton: Terrorism “Not A Threat To Us As A Nation,” But Remains “A Real Threat.” “But make no mistake, as the recent travel alert underscores, we still face terrorism. It’s not a threat to us as a nation. It is not going to endanger our economy or our society, but it is a real threat. It is a danger to our citizens here at home, and as we tragically saw in Boston, and to those living, working, and traveling abroad.” [Hillary Clinton remarks to Global Business Travelers Association, 8/7/13]

So it’s only a threat to “us as a nation” if it endangers our economy or our society? That doesn’t even make sense… It’s a threat, but it it isn’t a threat to our nation?

It seems like she’s talking out of both sides of her mouth here.

Since 9/11 we’ve seen several terrorist attacks on U.S. soil prior to her speech:

  • Anthrax Attacks (Sept. 18-Oct. 9, 2001) – 5 Deaths
  • Beltway Sniper Attacks (Feb. 16, 2002-Oct. 24, 2002) – 17 Deaths
  • University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill vehicle attack (March 3, 2006) – 9 injured.
  • Seattle Jewish Center Shooting (July 28, 2006) – 5 wounded, 1 death
  • Little Rock Military Recruiting Center shooting (June 1, 2009) – 1 death
  • Fort Hood Mass Shooting (Nov. 5, 2009) – 13 Deaths
  • Boston Marathon Bombing (April 15, 2013) – 3 Deaths

Then after her asinine remarks:

  • Oklahoma Vaughn Foods Beheading (Sept. 24, 2014) – 1 death, 1 wounded
  • Texas Art Show shooting (May 3, 2015) – 1 wounded, suspect killed
  • Chattanooga Military Recruitment Center (July 16, 2015) – 5 deaths
  • San Bernardino Attack (Dec. 2, 2015) – 14 Deaths
  • Orlando Nightclub Shooting (June 12, 2016) – 49 Deaths

The list above isn’t exhaustive, here is a more complete list. This of course doesn’t include attacks that were thwarted by authorities that we know about and probably countless others that we do not.  This doesn’t even scratch the surface when you look at what is happening worldwide at the rate of about five attacks a day.

But hey those threats above were not “threats to our nation” because they didn’t impact our economy and society. Whew!

However she did later in 2013 talk about creepy nuclear terrorists. I wonder if they pose a “threat to our nation”?

Hillary Clinton Said “There Are People Like” Nuclear Terrorists From James Bonds Movies. “And you know, it is like these terrible plots in James Bond movies where you have got some really creepy guy sitting around saying, I want to get a hold of some nuclear material, and I can bring the west to their knees and they will have to give me a hundred billion dollars in my private account. Well, unfortunately, there are people like that. And we saw what happened with the Pakistani scientist, Mr. Khan, who basically proliferated nuclear knowledge to as many countries as he could. He thought that was part of his religious mission to give the bomb to as many Muslim countries as he possibly could reach.” [Remarks at London Drug Toronto, 11/4/13]

It is frightening to see someone who was the Secretary of State and should no better be so utterly clueless.

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